Earthquake tremors jolt Delhi, neighbouring areas

Tremors were felt in Delhi and its neighbouring areas after a 3.1 earthquake occurred nine kilometres away from Haryana's Faridabad.

A quake of greatness 3.1 happened on Sunday and its quakes were felt in the Delhi-NCR district. The epicenter of the earthquake was ten kilometers below the surface and nine kilometers away from Faridabad, Haryana.

As per the Public Place for Seismology (NCS), the focal point of the tremor was 9 kilometers from Faridabad and it occured at a profundity of kilometers. It occurred around 4:08pm.

This is twice this month that solid quake quakes set off a panic in the public capital.

Recently, Delhi-NCR and a few pieces of north India saw solid quakes after four tremors, the most grounded being of extent 6.2 on the Richter Scale, struck Nepal on October 3

India is situated in a seismically dynamic district. Be that as it may, with a ton of microearthquakes happening consistently, the stockpiled energy gets delivered, PTI cited Chief O P Mishra of the Public Community for Seismology, Service of Studies of the planet.

Most authorities on the matter would agree, on the off chance that individuals and foundations rigorously consent to the local laws and codes to construct strong designs, the effect of an enormous scope seismic tremor can be decreased.

It is said that a building's resonant frequency can be a significant factor in determining how much damage it sustains during an earthquake.


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